Majoring in Minors: Reflecting on Monster Storms & Stormwater Management

Here we are. . .majoring in minors. . .again.

Watching videos of cars, huge chunks of asphalt, street signs, and all manner of debris cascading down Main Street in Ellicott City, MD. . .six to 8.5 inches of rain fell in just a few hours, and just two years after similar havoc along that very same Main Street.    A week or two later, a similar “cell” hit Ivy, VA, just to the west of where I live in Charlottesville.  In both cases, lives were lost, property destroyed, infrastructure disassembled, and economies disrupted.

Each of you can tell similar tales or at least knows someone who can.

These types of storms are not the familiar monsters – hurricanes with boys or girls names that announce their arrival days in advance.  The ones I am referring to are the nameless spawn.  They ride into town on swift steeds, stall out as if targeting a particular neighborhood with malicious intent, unleash their violence, and then depart a few hours later.  These monsters are not new; there just seem to be more of them around these days.


Greetings respected colleagues: I have started a blog to explore various stormwater and watershed topics. Thanks for reading, and let me know your thoughts and if you have ideas or topics that you’d like to explore together.  

Bioretention Engineered Soil Media – Frankenstein & Sustainability

Victor Frankenstein would feel right at home as a stormwater engineer. His success at cobbling together random body parts to create a living man/monster would put him in good stead to build a bioretention cell – with gravel, underdrain pipes and clean-outs, mulch, and plants all assembled from various origins to create a living stormwater practice. If this stormwater creature had a brain, it would certainly be the engineered soil media, as the media is responsible for processing pollutants, draining properly, and growing the plants.

If this is the creature that is lurking in our landscapes, is it a sustainable one? Put another way, why are we importing large volumes of an engineered soil media into our practices at great cost and use of fossil fuels, and are there alternatives to this approach?